Refuse To Be A Sheep

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

  • create hatred and fear to divide people
  • tempt you with free things
  • silence people that support freedom
They pretend to help by offering free things. Free health care, free education, free down payment on a house, and on and on. The fact is that they have no money to give you anything. They will take money from your paycheck to pay for inferior service.

Once all private institutions are gone, you will have no choice but to take government care. You will have to become one of the 666 group to get service. For all your food needs you will have to buy it but will not be allowed to buy or sell using the government crypto currency unless you join the 666.

They use fear and hate as their primary weapons. They falsely report news to anger people. As people become afraid, they will begin to give up their freedom to feel safe.

Don't let them take away our freedom
Get your hat and shirt today