Refuse To Be A Sheep

Life as a Sheep

A human has a mind, body, and spirit. If your spirit is taken, you will lose all purpose in life. Many contemplate suicide. Many become addicted to drugs or alcohol. You still have a mind and a body but are only two thirds of a man. Two divided by three is .666 and that will be your number.
Once you give in to the temptation you will be dependent on the government and will be under the control of the ruling class. Suicide is common once you sell your soul. You may feel like following the others over the cliff. Resist this thought. Learn to be content with the meager life as a sheep. The ruling class supplies free drugs so that you remain content. You will begin to realize your mistake and the lies that they told to you. It is best to obey. When there is disobedience, the ruling class will release a wolf onto the pasture.

You have given up your spirit and your freedom in exchange for the free things that were promised. You discover that your standard of living has decreased dramatically. It is too late. There is no going back.

Some of the sheep had ancestors that were owned by the ruling class. They picked cotton or sugar cane. In modern times the work is not as hard and you rarely receive a beating, but you miss being free.

Speaking out against the state is not good. Many will disappear for simply speaking their mind. You cannot trust your friends, neighbors, or even family members. They will be strongly encouraged to turn you in. You will live in constant fear.
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