Refuse To Be A Sheep

The Sheepdog

  • can recognize the wolf in sheep clothing
  • is loving to all humans and sheep
  • is responsible, has a strong spirit and moral values
We have all noticed it happening. Some believe that communists have infiltrated our schools, media, TV/movie industry, and even parts of our government. China has made it known that part of their plan is to take over the world by 2050. There does not need to be war. They just simply make the announcement, and we all fall in line.

Our young people are being taught that communism and socialism are good. Many people in this country think that communism is a fair way to go. All countries that are currently or have been socialist or communist, have suffered. The reason that this system does not work is because the people no longer have spirit. With a loss of spirit, there is no ambition, no self-motivation to get ahead.

All countries that have been or are socialist or communist, need to have militant control (fascism) to force people to obey. You do not need to force people to be free. You only need to force people to be sheep.

Don't let them take away our freedom
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